What is baptism
Baptism is simply an external expression of your faith, showing the change that’s happened inside you. At City Life, we host planned Baptism Sundays, and we’ve designed the process to be simple and meaningful.
Have questions?
Not sure if you’re ready? Still unsure if this is for you? Read the answers to our most frequently asked questions.
Baptism FAQ
Believers. Jesus Christ led a perfect, blameless life, then died on the cross so we could be forgiven. It is only through his perfect sacrifice that we receive salavation from the eternal consequences of our sin. Salvation occurs when a person places his or her faith in the death and resurrection of Christ. So, where does baptism come in? Not until after salvation. Baptism is NOT required for a person to be saved. It is a public declaration of faith—the next step of obedience.
Do you have questions about how to begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? Learn how to know Jesus.
A public declaration of faith. Baptism is simply an opportunity to externally show others that you have accepted Christ and are now walking with Him. It symbolizes what took place in your heart at the time of your salvation:
- You accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
- You shared in his death and resurrection. (This is illustrated by going under the water and rising up again—you let your old life of sin die, then began a new life.)
- You were symbolically washed clean and your sins were forgiven by Jesus’ death on the cross.
We believe Scripture shows that Jesus modeled immersion for us as the way to publicly declare our faith in Him. All the baptisms in the Bible indicate that those being baptized entered the water. The word baptism literally means “to dip, to plunge, to submerge, or to immerse.”
No. We understand Scripture teaches that only professing believers qualify for baptism. Baptism does not make you a believer… it is a public declaration that you already believe. It is your opportunity to externalize what has internally occurred in your life.
Important Information Before You Register
Read through this information, then register by following the link below.
When is the event?
You are registering for baptism, which will take place at our next Baptism Sunday event. Our baptism celebration will be held at the end of the main service.
Who is it for?
This registration process is for anyone who is ready to take the next step in their faith.
A Video Testimony
One of the most powerful aspects of being baptized at City Life Church is the video testimony shown right before your baptism. This allows you to share how Christ has been working in your life. Pre-recording allows you to do as many takes as necessary to make sure you are comfortable.